Gabriel Sanchez


Gabriel is a technologist and composer. He got his Bachelor of Science degree in Information and Communication Technologies from Tecnológico de Monterrey and currently pursues a Master of Music degree at NYU. He has collaborated with several organizations as a software engineer and has also taught music and computer science courses in both the U.S. and Mexico. He got interested in educational technology after doing an analysis on how to improve the Centros Comunitarios de Aprendizaje web portal for Tecnológico de Monterrey. After that, he built a web portal and implemented a LMS for POETA--a project by The Trust for the Americas of the OAS in Mexico. He also worked as a software developer for Enova Mexico--an organization who focuses on providing educational courses to communities. Besides educational technology, computer science and music, Gabriel enjoys travelling, watching movies and creating things.


An Introduction to Computational Thinking through Creative Computing

This workshop is for educators interested in learning more about tools that promote computational thinking in the classroom. We will explore how computational thinking can be applied to a wide variety of academic subjects and examine the fundamental processes involved in developing simple yet powerful applications by using tools such as Blockly Games, Scratch and Pocket Code. Little to no technology experience is required for this workshop.


Coming Soon